Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Whole Lotta Nothin'

And so the wait continues, as we enter day 5 of Baby Watch 2007! I still haven't felt the slightest twinge of a contraction, though I know that they could start at any moment without warning. Like... NOW! Or... NOW! Okay, maybe not. But I bet it'll be soon. I'm hoping so, anyway! (Gus says I need to go into labor tonight so he doesn't have to go to work tomorrow... but he doesn't want me to start any sooner because he wants to enjoy his "last weekend of freedom." haha!!)

Anyway... it's been a very dull weekend, mostly because I am having a very difficult time pulling Gus away from the PlayStation and his silly golf game (Tiger Woods PGA Tour something-or-other). He is convinced that this will be his last opportunity to play for a long time. So his plan all weekend has been to sleep in, stay in his PJ's all day, and play (fake) golf. So exciting! Now it sounds like he's taking a break and watching some old Hitchcock movie on TV. He did, however, mow the lawn and pull some weeds yesterday, so he hasn't been entirely unproductive! :P

As for me, I feel like I am just watching the time tick by... slowly. I have read three books in the past week, and am about to start a fourth. Nothing baby-related, just some fiction that I haven't had time for since school started up again. I baked sugar cookies yesterday and pancakes this morning, and today I will finish my little pregnancy scrapbook. Soon I can start on a baby book instead (hooray!!). That is something I am totally looking forward to! Until then... Heeeeere, baby baby baby!

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