Monday, October 15, 2007

Still Nothing!

Today has been a day of endless frustration and clock-watching. AAAAAACK!!!!

I got a bunch of phone calls and emails from people asking if he was here yet, or if I was having any contractions. Nope! One of my student's moms emailed to say that she is going to take me out for ice cream if he's still not here on Wednesday afternoon. I thought that was really nice of her (I've now taught all three of her kids, so it isn't that strange). I also got a call from my doctor's office, because they wanted to move my Wednesday appointment to an hour earlier. The girl who called is the same one who always checks me in, and she was like, "So I guess you still haven't delivered, huh?" Nope! No baby for me!

I did go out shopping earlier, though, and the woman in front of me in line asked me when I was due. It was really fun to say "Tomorrow!" and watch the reaction on her face! It was like she was afraid I was going to explode right there on the spot. I got a kick out of that. If I go out shopping tomorrow, I really hope someone asks me the same question. :P

And so Baby Watch 2007 continues...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come on, Nikos! you're driving your mom crazy!

good luck briar!