Thursday, October 18, 2007


I was thinking this morning about being induced next week, and what that would mean to me... I think that the two most dominant emotions that I feel are disappointment and relief. I really hope that things don't get to the point where I need to be induced, but it's nice to know that there is a definite end in sight. I mean, he HAS to be here by the end of next week, so I definitely won't be pregnant for more than a week now. And that is a good thing! Anyway, I decided to make a little list of the pros/cons of being induced...

The Pros: 1. His birthday could fall on the anniversary of our first date (October 25th), which would be cool! 2. He would be a Scorpio (like my mom, Gus' dad, my grandma, my aunt, etc.) instead of a Libra, 3. I would know ahead of time when to go to the hospital and therefore be totally prepared

The Cons: 1. Super-strong contractions, 2. Higher chance of having a c-section, 3. Having to wait that much longer! 4. Not getting to experience the whole natural labor process on my own

Anyhow... I convinced my mom and dad to come down and keep me company today, and the three of us went to the zoo. We walked around for a few hours, which was a serious accomplishment for me (there are a LOT of hills at the zoo-- it was a total workout!). Still no contractions, although I was feeling a little crampy earlier. I also just got off the phone with Maria (Gus' sister), and she thinks that he's going to be born this Saturday. So, let's go with that! I'll take another long walk tomorrow, and maybe we can get things moving. Saturday sounds good! :)

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