Friday, October 19, 2007

A Letter...

Dear Baby Nikos,

I know you are having a great time hanging out inside my belly, but it's time to come out and meet everyone! I'm sure it's quite cozy inside, and you are clearly entertained by punching my bladder and squeezing my intestines, but the whole situation is starting to make me very uncomfortable. I'm sure it's not intentional, but you need to vacate the premises-- and soon!

Your little fetus friend, Owen, came two weeks before his due date. You are already two and a half weeks older than he was when he entered the world, and he did just fine! I am worried that if you dilly-dally too much longer, you may grow so big that you won't be able to fit through the exit. That would not be good for any of us (especially your poor daddy, who would suffer my wrath). For the record, the exit is down by your head-- not through my belly button. I can tell you've been a little confused about that, since you try to karate-kick your way out through my abdomen on a daily basis. I hate to break it to you, but your escape efforts via that route are in vain! Let gravity help you out on this one. Remember: the exit is DOWN.

I've enjoyed having you with me for these past 40+ weeks, and I've done my best to give you a happy little womb-home. However, I really think it's time for you to move on to bigger and better things. There are so many people out here who want to meet you, and waiting for you to make your grand entrance has become absolute torture. So please... come out, come out, wherever you are!

Your Mom

P.S. You have presents waiting for you, and they're not going to open themselves!


Unknown said...

I think you should turn this into a children's book! A conversation btw mom and baby inside the womb...throughout the entire process.

Anonymous said...

ditto to that. i'm at the mac store and i'll make sure to let the other customers read your xanga. c'mon NIKOS!!!!! you can do it!