Saturday, October 6, 2007

Packed and Ready

I started packing my hospital bag weeks ago (around 34 weeks) but, as of today, I am officially set to go at a moment's notice! I also decided to attempt to pack the diaper bag, though I won't need it for a while. What else can I do now to kill time?? I am reading both Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Dr. Marc Weissbluth and The Baby Book, by Dr. William Sears... I made (and froze) enough chicken tacos to survive a nuclear holocaust... The whole house is clean... I have no work to do because I am no longer bringing things home (in case I am unable to bring them back!)... Help!!! I am even all caught up on my thank you notes, which is some sort of miracle. I feel compelled to do something baby-related, but (other than reading the books) what?? Ideas, anyone??? Or should I just play Guitar Hero 2 and stop my whining? :P

On a totally different note, I came to a realization this morning. Throughout my pregnancy, I have been avoiding herbal teas because I read somewhere that they could somehow cause contractions/premature labor. I don't know if it is true or not, but it scared me enough to avoid drinking tea. Well, I was out running errands this morning, and I had a hankering for a chai latte (my favorite!) from Starbucks. And then it hit me-- who cares if I have contractions or go into labor at this point???? I can totally have herbal teas again! Anyway, I got my chai latte and was a very happy camper. The end! :)

1 comment:

Alayna said...

Here's my idea: You and Gus both should sleep as much as you possibly can! I am totally serious. This is your chance to build up some rest before your little guy comes and wants you to be up at all hours. I wish we had done more of that before M made his appearance!