Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Now What?

This is the weirdest feeling. For the past few days, I have had an unusual abundance of free time, and I just don't know what to do with myself!! Even though I'm still working (only 2 more days, woohoo!), I feel like I have finally tied up all the loose ends and am left with nothing to do! Sadly, I have grown accustomed to bringing my work home with me on a fairly regular basis (papers to grade, etc.), but I don't want to do that now in case I am unable to bring it back!

Up until this point, it seemed like time was speeding by. I almost wanted things to slow down a bit, because I was so busy with so many things to do! Now that the end is in sight, it seems farther away than ever. Does that make sense?? Today, my boss said, "Hey, by this time next week, you could be a MOM!! Have you thought about that?" Well, of course I've thought about it, but I guess it really hasn't hit me yet. I mean, that is a gigantic, momentous, life-altering event, and all I can think about is "gee, I really have to pee!" :P It really hasn't sunk in-- and I doubt it will until I finally get to meet this little guy I've been carrying around for nine months! I can only imagine how Gus must be feeling right now. I mean, if it hasn't totally hit ME (the pregnant one!), then I would bet it has hit him even less. So the next few weeks promise to be very interesting ones!

Until he decides to arrive, though, I am left twiddling my thumbs and playing the waiting game. I think I'll put my energy into making more food for after he gets here. And maybe I can talk Gus into getting a movie from Blockbuster. After all, you can only reorganize a closet so many times before it becomes pointless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, briar!! enjoy the free time! it's the calm before the storm (of diapers, feedings, and the big delivery). twiddle your thumbs as much as you can!

go, briar go! you can do it!