Anyway, they had a blast, as always. They all played with Play-Doh for a bit while my friend and I had coffee and chatted in the kitchen. And they were playing so nicely together that we were able to actually have a conversation! Crazy!
The boys eventually disappeared upstairs into the playroom, where Evan (the other little boy) was very excited to see that Nikos had the Whack-A-Mole game. So guess what they played? Meanwhile, the two girls continued to play peacefully with the Play-Doh, compensating for their wild big brothers.
Eventually, we got all our snow gear on and headed outside. With four small children and two mommies who needed to get into snow pants, snow boots, snow mittens, hats, and jackets, it was quite a production! We managed it, though.
The two boys grabbed the sleds and took off! We just stood and watched them as they slid down the hill over and over again, running into each other and racing and just generally having fun. Maya went down once with me, but was more concerned with "finding a snowball." Sadly, last night's snowfall was very powdery, and didn't stick together at all. So mostly she dusted snow off of the back steps and hung around her friend Paige, who is younger and even more wobbly on the snow. They didn't seem to mind too much, though.
And that was the majority of our day! It's pizza-and-movie night tonight, and we don't have any firm plans for the weekend, except that we want to go to the library and get library cards. Sounds good to me!
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