Anyway, today's agenda included cleaning, baking cupcakes, and sledding! Sledding was originally just "playing in the snow," but Nikos was adamant about trying out the other sleds they got for Christmas from Uncle Grant and Aunt Melissa. We used one sled yesterday-- the one big enough for two people, so I could ride with them and sort of steer. I was nervous about them using the other sleds, since they are kind of for older kids and they go a little faster. My fears were unfounded, though. They had SO much fun! And they both got the hang of the sleds really quickly. I think this video was taken on Maya's second time down, but she was doing a lot better by the end:
I even set up two different runs side-by-side so they could race. Nikos kept cheating and leaving early, but Maya didn't seem to care. I suggested other things we could do outside (build a fort, build another snowman) but nope! They just wanted to sled. Good thing we have the perfect back yard for it. Seriously! I was originally worried that they would zip down the hill and right over the small dropoff at the bottom, but it turned out to be a non-issue. It's flat enough for a long enough stretch that they naturally come to a stop well before the edge. Perfect!
Anyway, it was a fun day, except for the part where Nikos threw a tantrum about going inside. Maya was cold, but he did NOT want to go in. Seriously, I haven't seen him throw a fit like this in a long time. Screaming, crying, throwing himself on the ground in protest, etc. Fun times! He calmed down very quickly once I carried him inside, but wow! Major meltdown! I think everyone was a little bit tired from all the playing, but sheesh!
The good news is that Gus is home now for a three-day weekend, so he can help lighten the parenting load a bit. Mommy needs a break!
Oh, and a few pictures from our sledding adventures! Look at poor Ned's face! He got rained on last night, resulting in some facial disfigurement.
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