Monday, July 2, 2007

An End in Sight!!!!!

The French Occupation of 2007 will officially end on July 17th! I am so happy, I just did a little dance. :) I've mentioned the Frenchman numerous times in this blog, but I haven't really explained who he was or why he was here. Here's the scoop:

In January, Florian came to the U.S. to work as an Engineering Intern for Gus' company (the parent company is based in Paris). He was living in a hotel, but that was getting expensive and he needed to get an apartment. Slight problem: he only needed the apartment for two months, because he would be going to work on-site at a plant in Illinois at the beginning of April-- a job that would last for five months. So Gus helped him look at various places, but his options were really limited. Most places didn't want to rent to him for just two months, especially since he had no U.S. credit history. Gus finally brought up the idea of renting him our third bedroom. The extra cash would definitely come in handy, and we'd save a lot of money on gas because the two guys could carpool to work. Plus, Florian was around our age (24), really quiet/shy, and he loved Charlie right off the bat (he has a kitty at home in France). And it was only for two months-- no big deal, right???
Well... Obviously, he didn't leave at the beginning of April, because he is still here! The company in Illinois (a client of the company Gus works for) started dragging its feet... It clearly wasn't ready for such a major installation. They kept giving vague deadlines... "Oh, maybe toward the end of April..." and "Maybe sometime around Memorial Day..." It was really irritating, but it wasn't Florian's fault. And we couldn't really kick him out, because there was no way to tell whether he'd be leaving in a week or a month. Plus, we are pretty much the only people he really knows here. Anyway... there was a big teleconference with the Illinois company this morning, and they finally set a firm date: July 22nd. Florian will leave on or before the 17th, since he'll be driving cross-country and wants to do a little sight-seeing. I just can't believe that an end is finally in sight!
Truthfully, he is a very nice guy. I was just planning on him being here for 2 months, and he will have been here for five-and-a-half by the time he leaves. Little things that he does- things that probably wouldn't bother other people- are really starting to get on my nerves. On top of that, I found out I was pregnant *right* after he moved in. So I have been itching to get my hands on his room, and it's been occupied this whole time (though he has let me put splotches of different paint all over his walls). Anyway, today is a happy day!! HALLELUJAH!!!

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