Tuesday, July 24, 2007

28 Weeks

So, here we are at 28 weeks! (Feeling brave? Check out my bare belly!) It's so strange to me to think that this baby will be considered "full term" in only nine weeks-- slightly over two months! And I have less than three months to go until my due date. Time is going by so quickly!!

What my book says about the baby this week: He weighs about 2.5 pounds and is about 16 inches long from head to toe-- and has increased in weight by more than 10 times since 17 weeks... My weight gain up to this point should be between 17 and 24 pounds (which it is, hallelujah!!!!)... His eyebrows and eyelashes might be present, and he's starting to put on his baby fat. I wish I could see what he looks like!!! But I guess I am going to have to wait a while longer! :)

P.S. I went to my coworker's house yesterday to learn how to bake her 80-year-old mother's famous apple pie... I have never been so successful with pie before-- and it is SO GOOD!!! Here is the recipe, if you're interested!

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