Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Little Princess

I call her that, because that is what she is into all of a sudden. Being a princess. Pretty things. Dancing around the living room, doing her "princess dance." I have no idea where it came from, but it's pretty darn cute!

It's funny, too, because she is so particular about what I call her. If I call her "pumpkin," she says (with a grin), "Nooo... I not a pumpkin! Me Maya!" If I call her my sweetpea, it's the same response. But if I call her a princess, she just agrees with me. Silly girl!

Anyway, this post is all about my girl. I realized yet another reason I love her tonight (reason number infinity + 1, since, really, I can't love either of my kids more than I already do!): she will try just about any food. On a night where Gus was less-than-jazzed about dinner (burritos) and Nikos was choosing to assert his 3.5-year-old pickiness ("I don't WAAAAAANT burritos!"), my little princess chowed down, managed to get her face plastered with beans and cheese, and turned to me to say thank you for the yummy, yummy burrito.

At least someone enjoyed dinner (besides me!) Gotta love that kid!! ♥

And, for the record, I am trying to clean out the pantry, which is what determined tonight's meal. Much to the chagrin of half the family. Doh!

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