Friday, April 15, 2011

A Few Notes

I had a Moment tonight (yes, the capitalization is necessary). Gus has been out of town all week, so I got the kids tucked in their beds and went to take my nightly shower. As I was lathering up my head with shampoo, I heard the doorknob turn, and in came Nikos. He said he had to go potty, so I told him to go! He realized that the master bathroom toilet was higher than the one in the hallway, and went to get his little plastic stool. He used the potty, no problem, got his pajamas back on, washed his hands, and then said, "Goodnight Mommy! I love you!" as he closed the door and went back to his bedroom.

As I peeked out of the shower to say goodnight to him, it hit me like a ton of bricks. He was standing in the same spot where, three and a half years ago, I used to plunk him down in his carseat so I could shower while on maternity leave. Only now he's not this helpless little newborn, crying all the time. He is such a Big Boy. Oh my gosh, it seriously brought tears to my eyes! How did my little baby turn into this big kid?


On a completely different note, we have big, big plans for this weekend. Saturday morning, we are having a garage sale. Our first one ever! I am kind of excited, despite the fact that everyone says they are boring and awful. I am also nervous about how on earth I am going to get everything out in the driveway early enough, and how to organize all the clothing (which is currently in a massive pile... probably not the best for selling!). Aack! Must figure this out tomorrow!

Also on Saturday, I am going to attempt to take some portraits of my almost-birthday girl. I actually forgot about this until today, but had already enlisted the aid of my parents (I need one of them to stand behind me and get her attention!). I really need to figure out what on earth she will wear. And how should I do her hair? And should I use balloons? Decisions, decisions!


Speaking of photos... There has been a recent spike in photo-business-related activity! I haven't put as much energy into my business since we learned we would most likely be moving to Massachusetts (where I plan to pursue my photo business more agressively). But it's like one person after another is realizing that I am probably leaving, and business is booming! I just got an email from the friend of a friend of a friend, which strikes me as both funny and very cool. It's really rewarding to get such positive feedback about something I enjoy so much. I definitely hope the future holds more photo sessions, that's for sure!


Happy, Happy Birthday (yesterday) to my dad! He and my mom were able to come help me out for a few hours, since daycare was unexpectedly closed due to a death in the family. I hope he enjoyed being sung to by two-thirds of his grandchildren! Maya's version, by the way, goes like this: "Happy to you, Happy to you, Grandpa, Happy to you. YAAAAAAY!!!!" :)

Finally, I am really glad tomorrow is Friday. I don't give Gus enough credit. Life is so much better when he's home. Less than a day to go-- hooray!! :)

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