Monday, September 15, 2008


It's baaaaaaack... This afternoon, right around 4pm, I went through a phase where I swore I could smell everything in the house. And I could still smell basil on my hands, despite having washed them numerous times (and I only touched the basil briefly, hours before). My head started to throb, and I just wanted to throw up. I drank some water and took some acetaminophen for my head (it's okay to take while pregnant), but ugggghhh... Everything just suddenly came back to me from when I was pregnant with Nikos! I could barely function! I was so glad Gus was home, so I could just rest on the couch for a bit and hope for it to pass (which it did, around 6pm). But tomorrow, and for the rest of the week, I'm on my own... These next few weeks could be rough ones, if tonight was any indication! :(

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