Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good News & Not-So-Good News

The Good News: Gus is home! Hooray! After a week in Panama on a business trip, we are all very happy that he made it home. Especially since his flight through Houston was canceled due to Hurricane Ike, so we had to scramble and find another flight through Dallas/Fort Worth. And the new flight landed in L.A. instead of San Diego, so he still had a 2+ hour drive afterward. Oh, and his luggage wasn't on his plane, but it was on the third plane that came in from Dallas (an hour later). Fun, fun, fun! But at least he's home!

The Not-So-Good News: Poor Charlie is having issues again... Dribbling small amounts of pee on the floor. We called the vet, who was supposed to be open today, but they weren't. Turns out that today was our city's big annual parade, and the vet was right on the parade route. We called the emergency animal hospital to see what they had to say, and the lady there said that sometimes cats can have occasional spasms while they are still undergoing treatment, but to bring him in if it continues. So for now, he is confined to the hall bathroom with his bed, food, water, and litterbox. We experimented with trying to put him in one of Nikos' diapers, but it didn't work. I hope the leaking stops really soon!

Finally... two pics from today, just because they're cute! Nikos really likes his Chargers hat, even if it is too big!

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