Friday, September 26, 2008

Funny School Story

So this is totally not related to Nikos or parenting in any way, but I thought it was too funny not to share! I have a student this year who I will call "K." K is very bright-- one of the brightest kiddos I have ever taught-- and is just a great kid all-around. Actually, her entire family is great-- love them! (And Angie, if you're reading this- it's your favorite family!) Anyhow, I've really connected with this little girl, and I'm pretty sure she sees me as sort of a kindred spirit. Truth be told, we do share a lot of common interests, and I know she sometimes struggles having friendships with kids her own age (because she's so advanced). Anyhow...

Today, after school, she comes into my room and asks me if she can ask me something. After pointing out to her that she just did (haha! I'm so funny), I told her to go ahead. She got all nervous, and then said, "Do you think maybe you'd want to come over sometime? For like lunch or something?" It took me a minute to realize she was dead serious. I told her "Maybe," but I know that won't be happening-- it's just too weird! Still, I thought it was very funny that she wanted to invite me over. A ten-year-old wants to be my buddy! :)

Her mom came in to chat not long after, though, and offered up free babysitting for Nikos whenever we want. I may have to take her up on this... She is one of those people that I would totally trust with my child. So hooray for adding another potential babysitter to the list! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew who it was right away! Aren't they just awesome people? And I agree that they would be wonderful trustworthy sitters!!!! I'm so glad she got to be in your class!!!