Tuesday, September 23, 2008

*Compare and Contrast

It's interesting, being pregnant a second time... Instead of everything being brand-new and foreign, I actually have a basis for comparison this time around! Still, things have been kind of different.

For one, I don't have the "afternoon sickness" that I had with Nikos. With him, the nausea would hit me like a ton of bricks at around 4:30 or 5:00 in the afternoon, and I could barely force myself to eat dinner. Plus, I'd be in bed at around 8pm, partly because I was so tired and partly because I felt like garbage. With this pregnancy, I don't feel nearly as nauseous-- but I feel it off and on all day long. It usually gets better if I have something to eat or drink, but I still feel borderline-queasy for most of the day. And although I am definitely tired, I've been able to stay awake until at least 9:30 most nights.

In exchange for my sickness not being as sudden or severe, my skin seems to be much worse this time. I feel like a teenager-- my face keeps breaking out! With Nikos, I had pretty good skin throughout the pregnancy, so this really stinks. And being pregnant, there aren't a lot of products that are safe for me to use to remedy the situation. Darn it!

Anyway, there you have it... My first trimester compare-and-contrast! Based on my observations, I am going to go way, way out on a limb and predict that this baby is a girl. But who knows? I thought Nikos was a girl, too, until I saw his ultrasound (at which point I could definitely see that I was wrong!). Gus is convinced we're having another boy. I guess we'll know for sure sometime in December! :)

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