Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Poor Kitty! :(

Well here I am, sitting at home in front of my computer at 12:22pm on a Tuesday. When I told people at work that I needed a sub for the afternoon, the first response was, "Oh no-- is Nikos okay??" Yes, Nikos is fine. But my other, hairier baby is not doing so great.

Charlie was acting really weird yesterday, but I thought he was acting up because Gus was gone (business trip). When I got home from school, I discovered that he had completely shredded a roll of toilet paper in my bathroom-- something he hasn't done since he was a kitten. All evening, he kept meowing at me... I made sure he had plenty of food and water, a clean litterbox, and lots of love. He still did it. And he meowed outside my bedroom door all night long. I got up a few times to try and see what was wrong, but I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

Then, this morning, I noticed that he was moving his back legs strangely. And when he stood up to move from one place to another, he left little dribbles of pee. I am fairly certain he has a bladder or urinary tract infection. Poor kitty!!! I made a vet appointment for this afternoon, and will use the extra time between now and then to clean up the floors (I'll have to isolate him in a bathroom for a while, but that's okay). Luckily, I caught him before he went into any of the bedrooms, and closed everything off this morning. As much as I hate our tile floors, I am glad right now that we have them and that they are easy to wash. I think I managed to avoid a complete disaster!

Anyhow... hopefully Charlie will be feeling better after getting some medicine at our appointment. And hopefully the peeing thing will stop ASAP, because that's just NOT good with a crawling baby around...

UPDATE: $188 later, it looks like Charlie most likely has a UTI (we'll get the urinalysis results tomorrow). The doc gave him a few injections to help right away: one smooth-muscle relaxant so that he isn't constantly "feeling the urge" to go, and one antibiotic. He also got two different prescriptions that I'll need to give him 2x daily, and new cat food that should help prevent this from happening again. Poor guy! Luckily, he is already acting like he feels better, which is great news!

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