Sunday, September 7, 2008


I guess it's my paranoid nature starting to kick in, but I'm really afraid that this pregnancy is going to be so much harder than the last for a single reason: Nikos. He still needs us a lot, and we're constantly bending, twisting, lifting, etc. to take care of him. I actually started feeling a little bit crampy earlier after I lifted him out of his crib, so I tried to rest for a little bit and drink some water. It went away very quickly. Still, what am I going to do once I start to get a belly? His crib mattress is down pretty low, and the crib doesn't have a drop-side-- I don't think I'll be able to bend down to get him without totally squishing baby #2! Seriously-- what am I going to do?????

I guess it's not as much of an issue when Gus is home. He's just going to have to start taking over more of the physical baby care activities. But this week, he's in Panama for a business trip, so I'm flying solo. I think I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to be really careful! sigh... I think it will also help when Nikos can walk. But we'll see!

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