Thursday, June 12, 2014

Some Pics of Maya...

I just had to share these... this first one was from last night's rehearsal. We (the moms) had been waiting so long for Maya's class to come out and do their second dance so we could go home. And then this little girl peeked out from offstage! Needless to say, I was ignoring the girls who were actually onstage performing (oops! hehe):
And then today... Niko was at school, and Maya was in her "carry-Charlie-around" mode. She does this a lot lately, now that she knows she can carry him. She loves it! And the funny thing is that he seems to like it, too! The minute she puts him down, he starts rubbing up against her legs and meowing at her. Little furball likes the attention, apparently! Anyway, Maya begged me to take this picture of her and her pets (see Corky back there?):
Best. Girl. Ever. Seriously!!!

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