Anyway... Despite feeling under the weather, yesterday was busy! After doing some research and making some calls, I decided to sign up for automatic delivery and a service plan with a local oil company. This means a few things. One is that we should never run out of heating oil again (yay!)-- they are responsible for checking our levels and keeping us topped off. Another is that we will be covered (parts and labor), if anything ever goes wrong with our boiler. And finally, it includes an annual cleaning and efficiency test, which occurred about 2 hours after I signed up. Talk about speedy service! The tech said that our burner was pretty filthy, but that the boiler was otherwise in good shape. He said that the cleaning improved its efficiency about 3%... Not a ton, but I'll take it! He also said we're going to see more of a difference by putting more insulation in the attic. I can't wait! (is it sad that I am so excited about insulation? Does this mean I'm a grown-up?)
While all of this was going on, Nikos was at preschool, having a great time. When we went to pick him up, we learned that there is a pajama party at school on Thursday, in celebration of Groundhog Day. They apparently have a whole slew of special Groundhog Day activities, and they will find out whether or not Puxatawney Phil sees his shadow. They also get to bring a stuffed animal! Nikos is SO excited, and so am I. I don't have to get him dressed, woohoo! Well, aside from shoes and a jacket, of course.
Anyhow, we got home, had a quick lunch, and headed out to the local library for the first time. Nikos was very interested in looking at and picking out books, but Maya made a beeline for the small play area in the children's section. We had to pry her away from the play kitchen when we were ready to go! It was a very nice little library, and was basically empty today aside from the senior volunteers working there. We came away with my arms full of books, and my name added to the mailing list for children's activities. Success!
As we were pulling out of the library parking lot, I noticed this cemetery. All the towns around here have lots of cemeteries, but this is one of the oldest I've seen. It's right off of the town center, so I am thinking this must date back to at least 1722 (when the town was incorporated), if not earlier. I happened to have my little camera on me, so I took a picture. Is it morbid that I think these old cemeteries are so cool??
After we pulled back onto the main drag, it became evident that we all needed a donut break. Dunkin' Donuts happened to be right there... so we went in and I got a box of Munchkins (AKA donut holes) for the kids and an iced latte for me. Hey, it was almost 40 degrees! Oh, and this face cracks me up!
So, that was our day. Not sure what we will accomplish today. It's very gray outside, but "warm" (already 43 degrees at 8:30am). It may or may not rain. We were going to meet up with my friend and her kids at a shopping center, but I cancelled, as I'm not feeling so great. I may take the kids to the grocery store, since we need to make something for Gus to bring to his office's Superbowl party on Friday. I need to paint the office, but am not really feeling motivated to do that. I have a feeling it'll going to be a laundry-dishes-vacuuming sort of day. Super exciting. Stay tuned!
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