Thursday, April 30, 2009

36 Hours and Counting!

That is how much longer until I get to meet... Rainbow! I very nearly typed her real name, oops! And what a shame to make it this far and then spoil the fun. We can't have that, now can we? :)

Anyway... No contractions today. They were slowing down when I posted yesterday evening, then stopped completely. Phew! My type-A tendencies really like the whole idea of sticking-to-the-schedule, you know? Nevertheless, we are packed and basically ready to go at a moment's notice. Though I think I'd still want to vacuum the house again first. Somebody I know was having fun throwing Goldfish crackers around the kitchen this afternoon (and no, it's not Gus-- this time!).

It's so crazy to think that I will be a mother of two in less than two days. I am not worried about the c-section, because at least I know what to expect in terms of the recovery and my mobility. I just hope that our baby girl is healthy and gets a good start in life. And I really, REALLY can't wait to see Nikos assume the role of big brother. I'm sure there will be rough patches, but he's such a sweet boy that I can't imagine him not loving his little sister.

Tomorrow, my plan is to vacuum for the millionth time, get a pedicure, buy a few last minute things from the grocery store, and then relax. Gus is going to come home earlier than usual, and then the three of us are going to go out to a local pizza parlor for dinner (since Nikos LOOOOVES pizza and can't ever get enough). We just want to have some quiet time together before becoming a family of four, and I think it will be great. I think I will also need to set up the tripod and take a family photo, but we'll see how that goes (Nikos and Gus can both be difficult subjects!). Stay tuned!


Oh, and I nearly forgot! I had my final prenatal appointment today, and everything still looks great. She's a happy camper in my belly. I haven't gained any weight in the past month or so, but my doctor says that's pretty common and that she is still growing just fine. I also asked him what the odds were that I'd actually go into the operating room at 9am on Friday, and he said they were really high (90%, in his words). I guess that the hospital has three operating rooms-- two are for scheduled surgeries, one is for emergencies. And my doctor says it's pretty unusual for them to have two emergency surgeries at the same time (all they do at this hospital is deliver babies-- so really, most of the emergency surgeries are c-sections, and there aren't that many of those). It would take two emergency surgeries to bump me out of the operating room, which is really unlikely. So, hooray! Looks like I should be holding my baby girl shortly after 9am on Friday! :)

1 comment:

Alayna said...

Good luck!! We're so excited for all of you. Can't wait to find out her name :)