Sunday, April 5, 2009


That's right, folks... The week of never-ending presents continued yesterday! My mom hosted a "sprinkle" (small baby shower) in honor of Rainbow's impending arrival. There were about 10 people in total-- just some close family members and friends. It was very mellow, which was nice. Lots of time to just chat and hang out, while Nikos ran all over the place and kept people entertained. We ended up walking away with a giant heap of beautiful clothes (this girl is sure to be "Best Dressed" at daycare), some toys, and gift cards. I seriously cannot believe all of the clothing that our baby girl already has. I'm definitely going to have to sort it by size so that she wears each outfit at least once-- I'd hate for her to outgrow any of it before she gets to wear it!

Anyway, here are a few pictures from the event. Nikos took his nap during the middle part of the shower, and managed to not appear in a single picture! He was definitely there, though. :)

Also, Mike and Steph both came to the party, and they brought wedding pictures with them (finally!). Steph gave me a CD with all the pictures, too! Here's a link to some of the ones with me and/or Gus in them. I was almost 3 months pregnant at the time... I am thinking that the dress probably wouldn't fit now! haha!

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