First... I had to share this. I guess it's sort of a bizarre pregnancy milestone but, for me, it really drives home the fact that I'm having another baby in TEN DAYS! I mean, I will have a baby before this milk expires!
Speaking of our baby girl... I had my 38 week (!!) appointment today, which went very well. She's happy as can be in her little womb-home, as she should be. I, on the other hand, am starting to swell. I blame this crazy heat wave that we've had for the past few days-- it was 104 degrees here yesterday! My feet are all puffy and painful, and my fingers have swollen to the point where I can no longer wear my rings. :( Luckily, I still have the same fake ring I wore last time, so my finger doesn't feel so naked.
Besides the swelling, I am also feeling kind of sick. Gus is, too. My throat is scratchy, and I've been coughing all day. I blame Nikos, who has apparently caught croup for like the millionth time! AACK! He had an awful fever over the weekend (highest was 103-point-something), which broke on Sunday and gave way to the lovely barking seal-cough we have come to recognize instantly. He seemed alright yesterday, and went to daycare for half the day (Gus stayed home in the morning). Today, though, he was miserable... So Gus stayed home again and took him to the doctor. Sure enough, it was croup-- no surprises there. They gave him a steroid to help reduce the inflammation in his windpipe, and he seemed to feel a bit better. Really, it's just a matter of waiting for the virus to run its course. It was fun, though, to be up with a cranky baby all night on Saturday night. It gave us a little reminder of what lies ahead... Oh, how I love my sleep. I am going to miss it when it's gone again. *sniff!*
In other news... Our big boy got his hair cut this weekend (before the fever) and only screamed for a minute or so! HOORAY! We decided to attempt the salon again, since I wanted him to look good for his first pictures with his baby sister. While he initially resisted by covering his head with his hands and yelling "NO," he soon realized that he was sitting in a big toy car that was very interesting and fun to play with. So we did it-- SUCCESS! Our little sickie even spent Sunday with Gus' family up in Anaheim to celebrate Easter (Orthodox calendar). He got to meet his great-uncle Dimos and his girlfriend, Diane, who were out visiting from Chicago. He also got to see his Uncle Min again (Gus' good friend/former roommate/Best Man). And for someone who wasn't feeling well, he was remarkably happy and playful. :)
Finally, a picture of big brother himself with his new haircut. Looking pretty good for someone with croup, I'd say!
P.S. I also have some other GOOD news (GREAT news, actually) to share, but I can't talk about it until tomorrow. Stay tuned! :) :)
1 comment:
What's the news??? :)
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