Friday, June 29, 2012

Teddy Bear Picnic

The library in the next town over from us put on this amazing event today, and the kids had a BLAST! I was worried that it would be cancelled, since we had rain on and off all morning, with dreary skies. But right when it was time to leave, the clouds vanished, the sun came out, and the temperature jumped up into the high eighties. Whoa! Anyway, we brought a lunch, the kids brought their teddy bears, and they danced their hearts out while this children's musician performed a bunch of great, interactive songs. Seriously, both kids were dripping sweat by the end (especially Nikos). They had such a great time dancing and singing along with the fifty or so other kids who were there, including their friends Evan and Paige. I am so glad we went! And now... pictures!

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