Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It rained all day today! I couldn't believe it, after all the brief drenchings we've had lately. I kept thinking it would just suddenly stop, and then we could go outside. It was certainly warm enough! But nope... it just kept raining and raining. And I used it as motivation to get things done. All so that I can be much less productive when the sunshine returns, of course!

Anyhow, I was like a machine today. We got all our errands taken care of before lunch. After lunch, I made strawberry jam, banana bread, four batches of pizza dough, and strawberry shortcakes (the actual biscuits). Most of this stuff ended up in the freezer for later, but it will be so worth all my frenzied baking when I can just enjoy some homemade strawberry shortcake at the drop of a hat. YUM!!! Coming up soon: Strawberry ice cream, strawberry tart, and lots of smoothies. I may actually need to go pick MORE berries. Yum, yum, YUM!

I don't have many pictures from today, but I did snap this one of our bunny friend this morning. This little fella lives in the woods just beyong the raspberry bushes at the far end of the yard. But he was up under our deck this morning, nibbling on the wild strawberry plants. This is the best picture I've gotten of him, by far! He is pretty good-sized. The kids both call him the Easter Bunny, which cracks me up. They absolutely convinced that this is the bunny that hid the eggs in our yard, and there is no telling them otherwise. I love it! In other news, I signed our baby girl up for dance classes next year. It's much more affordable than I thought it would be, and she will be in the same class as her friend Catherine (which means that I get to hang out in the lobby with Catherine's mom, my friend from the library). I am so excited! Maya will be learning the basics of tap, ballet, and tumbling. She is going to LOVE it! I can't wait!

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