Friday, June 8, 2012

My Favorite Picture

There isn't much to report from today... we played outside, it was beautiful. Nikos learned how to fly a kite and did it for hours! But most importantly, I took what is now my absolute favorite photo of my babies! ACK! I love it so much!! I am going to order a huge canvas of it, and Gus wants a print for his office. I was admiring the sunlight on the trees and bushes at the edge of our yard this morning, thinking about what nice bokeh it would make (that's when the background is "blurry" like it is here... made up mostly of circles/hexagons, depending on your camera). Yeah, I'm a dork. But I went inside, got my camera and, on second thought, grabbed a kid chair and a bag of mini chocolate chips. And it was like photographing two completely different kids, haha! It's amazing how much my little chocolate chip bribing technique worked. I got a ton of nice pictures, but this one was, by far, the most "them." I LOVE IT! And that is all. :)

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