Monday, March 19, 2012

Maiden Voyage!

So the swing set is clearly not finished (refer to the photos, haha), but I did just enough to make it safe for the kiddos to play on today. I finished securing the swing beam first, making it so that they could enjoy the glider and the two swings. Meanwhile, I attached the slide and got that all set to go. And that was it! We still have a ton of work to do, but Gus has arranged to take Wednesday off from work so that we can finish it together.

We didn't even get out in the yard until just after two o'clock, thanks to a very long morning of running errands. But when we did get out, the temperature was UNREAL! Refer to Exhibit A: the thermometer in our dining room. And please note that the outside temperature probe is located in the shade under our deck. It was just shy of EIGHTY degrees in the sun. I was sweating in my jeans, flip-flops, and a t-shirt. It felt like San Diego, haha!

Anyway, the kids went berserk. I had to drag them in at 4:30, when the sun started to dip a little lower in the sky and it suddenly hit me that I needed to, like, clean the house and make dinner. But not before I took a billion photos of them enjoying their new toy. They love it so much!! I can only imagine how they will flip out once they see the finished product. Hopefully on Wednesday!

And that was our day. It was great, and I am tired. Tomorrow will be another busy day, with a long list of errands, preschool for Nikos, and story hour at the library for Maya. Fun times ahead!

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