Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick...

Yup, I am STILL sick. This is getting ridiculous! First I had that horrific stomach bug which lasted for a day. Then I was fine for a day or two, then BAM! I got slammed with this cold/flu/whatever this is. And after nine days with no real improvement, I am finally going to the doctor tomorrow. I am sick of being sick! Enough already!

Adding to my exhaustion, though, is the fact that my sweet baby girl seems to be going through a "Mommy" phase. As in, she wants me (and only me) to hold her and carry her around, 24/7. While it is very sweet, and I do enjoy the great cuddle time I am getting, it is also really frustrating when I have to, say, use the bathroom, or cook dinner, or just have a moment to myself! Sigh. It really wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't already so run down. And for all I know, she is sensing my sickness and wanting to cuddle with me BECAUSE of that. So I am not complaining, because I love my baby girl more than life itself! But with that being said, I am very, very tired!!

It is amazing, though, to listen to her communicate lately. I still only understand about a third of what she says, but some words are SO clear-- including words that strike me as kind of funny, such as "tissue," "napkin," and "Minnie Mouse." She also says "mess" a lot, either referring to her hands (as she requests a napkin) or when she wants to see the framed photo of her diving into her birthday cake. She is so funny about messes, too, and always likes to clean up. She will wipe her own hands/face after a meal, bring dirty dishes to the sink, and will put toys away without being asked twice. She loves brushing her teeth and washing her hands. She clearly believes in the philosophy of "a place for everything, and everything in its place." She will even go and get the push sweeper if the floor is dirty. If only she did windows... :)

Anyway, she is a really cool kid. Both my kids are just awesome, and so different from one another, and yet they get along so well (*knock on wood!*). I am thinking we are pretty lucky! Except for the being sick part. But hopefully the doctor can fix that.

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