Friday, November 19, 2010


I just need to brag about my kids for a minute. And really, what better place to do it? :) But they have both impressed me so much lately, and I am really proud of them!

First, there is Maya, who is very rapidly mastering her "P's and Q's." Her language is just exploding lately, and it is such a treat to watch! For example, this morning. She finished her waffle, pointed to her tray, and said "Wan mo (want more)." If you pause ever so slightly before fulfilling her request, she will tack on a "Peez! (please)" to the end. And after she got more food, she said "tankoo (thank you)" without ANY prompting whatsoever. She is such a good kid!

Oh, and despite her love for digging through the drawers in the kitchen island, she almost always cleans everything up again. She even puts things roughly where they actually belong, which is a minor miracle. Love it!!

Then there is our boy. He has been great with saying please and thank you for a long time now, which is most likely why Maya picked up on it so quickly. But the other night, his manners impressed me in a different way. I went to give the kids their bath, and Nikos ran in and turned on the cold water (he wasn't supposed to do this). The bath was actually set to "shower," so water started raining down, and we both got a little wet. I turned it off really quickly and told Nikos not to do that. A minute later, he wrapped his arms around my neck and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry I sprayed the water and got you wet." Totally unprompted, totally remorseful. He is the sweetest kid, I swear. And so smart, too. This is off-topic, but he will tell you all about how the Mayflower was a boat, and that the pilgrims sailed on it from England to Massachusetts. It's the cutest thing ever!!!

And since I am already straying from the subject of this post, I just wanted to share one more fun story. I was making dinner tonight, and both kids were playing nearby. Nikos was playing with some Play-Dough at the table, and Maya was going through kitchen drawers. Next thing I knew, she was walking by me with a mouth full of... something?? Instantly concerned, I grabbed her and took a look-- only to discover her mouth was full of CAT FOOD, which she was happily chowing down on. OH MY GOSH!!! Our cat's food dish is behind a baby gate, but I guess she has gotten tall enough to reach it. She was happy as can be to be eating it, too, and started wailing when I scooped it out. EW!!!! The good news, though, is that her urinary tract should be very healthy, and her coat nice and shiny...

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