Friday, June 20, 2008


So Nikos the Super Baby has learned a new trick!! For the longest time, I have waved to him whenever we stand in front of a mirror together. Then I would hold his little hand and make him wave back at me. We'd also walk around waving at Daddy, the cat, the bird, etc. Anyway... Fast forward to yesterday morning, when we stood in front of the entry hall mirror for a minute and I gave him a quick wave hello. I was about to walk away, when I realized that his little arm was flapping, and he was smiling at me! Could it have been a fluke? I waved again... he waved back. I waved AGAIN... he waved back. I waved at the cat... he waved at the cat. I waved at the bird... he waved at the bird! I couldn't believe it!! He must have thought it was hysterical, because he'd wiggle, giggle, and shriek after waving. Anyway... he's still not completely consistent with it (sometimes he'll just bury his head in my shoulder instead of waving), but he's doing it nonetheless! And out of the blue! I am such a proud mama right now! :)

Also, it seems as though we're starting to understand each other more, day by day. Like with the waving thing, for one. And then yesterday, the cat was falling asleep on a chair near where Nikos was eating his lunch. He kept looking over at the cat, then back at me. I pointed to the cat, made snoring noises and pretended to be asleep, and Nikos started giggling like crazy. There really is a little person in there, not just a baby! I still can't get over the fact that we MADE him. It's so weird... and so cool!!

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