Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Becoming Mobile

I think Nikos is starting to become more mobile. For the longest time, he hasn't been all that interested in moving around. He's been perfectly content just bouncing in his jumperoo or sitting on the floor with his toys. But lately, he's started acting like a little inchworm when he gets onto his stomach. I took some video of him doing this today-- what do you think??

And on a completely unrelated note... Today was the second-to-last day of school, and we had our fifth grade promotion ceremony. It went really well, so that was a HUGE load off of my back! Afterward, since we were all dressed up, we (the 5th grade team) decided to take pictures together outside my classroom. Here's one of the better ones. I ♥ these ladies!

(From the left: My student teacher, me, Kate, Kori, Gina, and Gina's student teacher)


Anonymous said...

Briar, you guys look great! Happy Summer!!! Maybe I'll get a chance to see you guys this summer -- that would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

hey mama
happy countdown to summer! i have 3 job interviews tomorrow. eeks! wish me luck!