Sunday, June 8, 2008

A New Skill

As it turns out, our little man is surprisingly skilled when it comes to using straws!

How do we know this? Well... The weather here has been absolutely beautiful all weekend, so we decided to make a little family trip this afternoon to a local ice cream parlor for some milkshakes. We sat to drink them at a table outside, and took turns holding a very-wiggly Nikos on our laps. When Gus was holding him, he started reaching for daddy's shake. Once he got hold of it, he pulled it closer to his face, and it became clear that he planned to put the straw in his mouth. We watched to see what would happen. Quick as a flash, chocolate shake began to climb up the straw toward his mouth!! Gus had to quickly pinch the straw off so he couldn't drink any (no milk until he's a year old!), and then we had to pry the shake from his hands. We were laughing so hard!! This kid has some serious suction! I am now convinced that I need to get him some of those sippy cups with little straws-- I bet he'd love them! Who knew??

In other news... I know I promised more pictures, but I haven't been able to deliver on that promise for two reasons: first, my camera needs new batteries, and second, I found out last Tuesday that I need to move out of my classroom completely by this upcoming Friday. Since our school district decided to go to full-day kindergarten next year (instead of AM and PM), it's causing a lot of people to get shifted around into new classrooms. Anyway, I've been packing like crazy and am usually pretty wiped out when I get home. Only a few more days, though! :)

And finally, I want to wish a HAPPY DUE DATE to Sacha! I cannot wait for that little girl to arrive-- YAY!!! :)

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