Wednesday, June 25, 2008

8 Month Letter

Dear Nikos,

Today is a very special day in the P household! Not only are you officially eight months old (that's two-thirds of a year!!), but today also happens to be the anniversary of the day that Daddy and I got married three years ago! We knew then that we wanted to have kids, but we had no idea just how lucky we'd get. You are an incredible little guy, and you continue to bring so much joy to our lives!

Your eighth month has been filled with some pretty drastic changes that seemed to happen overnight. One day, you just decided that you were going to start inching your way around. It's still pretty funny to watch: you plant your head firmly on the ground, push with your feet, then push up on your arms to look around. You have completely mastered the art of rolling both ways, and will quickly roll like a log towards the edge of Mommy and Daddy's bed if we look away for even a moment! You may not be crawling yet, but you are definitely inventing your own ways of getting from Point A to Point B. We are truly in for trouble when the crawling begins!

A few days after the inchworm movement began, you decided that it was high time to start babbling. You only do it when the mood strikes you, but it is adorable! You are particularly fond of the letter D, which is why Daddy is convinced that you have already said your first word ("Dada" or "Daddy"). I, however, don't think it counts, because you're just experimenting with sounds and you don't associate the word with the person (yet). Daddy and I are just going to have to agree to disagree. In the meantime, let's hear some "M" sounds ("mama," anyone??). Seriously, though, you make more and more fun noises every day, and I'm sure you will say your first word (with meaning) soon. Neither Daddy or myself would be surprised if it was "kitty" or "Charlie," because of your undying (if not reciprocated) love for our cat.

Most recently, you decided to start waving back at us when we wave at you. It came out of the blue-- like you literally thought to yourself, "Hmm, that looks fun... I'll give it a go!" My jaw just about hit the floor when you waved back for the first time, but you were all smiles. I can't wait to see what other new tricks you have up your sleeves!

Another big part of your life right now is food. You love to eat!! When we first gave you rice cereal, I thought that you hated eating and would never get the hang of it. But as of two weeks ago, you are officially eating three meals a day! And now that I'm on summer vacation, I've started making your baby food instead of just buying it from the store. You've recently tried meats (chicken, turkey, and beef), avocado, blueberries, green grapes, and yogurt! The peaches, grapes, and figs out back are almost ready, too, so it looks like you'll be enjoying lots of fresh fruit this summer. You've also learned a new trick: picking up puffs or Cheerios from your tray and (sometimes) putting them in your mouth and actually eating them! Such a big boy! I suppose it helps that you finally got your first tooth this month. Steak dinner, here we come!

Every month, when I write these letters, I tell you how wonderful you are and how much Daddy and I love you. And it's all true, every word of it! But there's something about this age right now that is so wonderful-- you are so interactive, you smile and laugh easily, and you are just so much fun to be around! Eight-month-olds are the best! One of my favorite things to do with you these days is stand in front of your closet mirror. You look at our reflections, touch the mirror, and CRACK UP! Then you turn to look at the "real" me (not the reflection), and it makes you laugh even harder! And when you're nursing, you insist on holding onto the TV remote control or the phone, like it's your little baby. Seriously, how could anyone NOT love you?? You are the best baby in the universe, and we are so lucky that you are ours. How could the ninth month possibly top this one? We're not sure-- but we're ready to find out!

All Our Love, ALWAYS,
Mommy and Daddy

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