Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a day! Having two small kids keeps things interesting, but adding a newly-mobile third one into the mix can get a little wild! The kids really enjoyed playing with their cousin, who seemed to find them endlessly entertaining and fascinating. Colton was constantly trying to follow them around, and they loved it! Both kids were so sweet with him, and it was really fun to watch as Maya shared her balloon, or Nikos held his hand to walk with him. They really do love their cousin!

And their aunt and uncle, too, of course! Nikos thinks my brother is just about the greatest thing since sliced bread, and was thrilled to show off for him all day long. Funny kid!

Anyway, it was a nice, low-key Thanksgiving, though we definitely missed Gus. I told him we will make up for it next week, with our own mini-Thanksgiving with the menu of his choice. Poor Gus celebrated the day by rescuing the cat from the crawlspace of the new house (he crawled through the opening in the laundry room floor where Gus was working on the drain for the washer), then giving him a bath to clean him up. Oh, and then having some good old mac and cheese from a box. Very exciting times! On the plus side, the moving truck should arrive tomorrow, so he will actually have a bed to sleep on again. Something to be thankful for!

And another thing to be thankful for: these two incredible kids. They have been coping with a lot of changes in their lives all at once, and handling it SO well. They have their moments where they want their daddy, or they want to go "home" to the old house, or they are extra clingy to me, but they are still, for the most part, rolling with the punches. I just love these two little monkeys, and can't imagine my life without them!

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