Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Super Baby!

Over the past week, Maya has gone from rolling over every once in a while to rolling over all. the. time. It's like a compulsion for her-- if you put her down on her back, she simply HAS to roll over. It has even carried over into her sleep! She rolls onto her tummy, which causes her to wake up and get very, very mad. She is totally capable of rolling back over onto her back, but I think she forgets how to do it when she's half-asleep! Luckily, she goes right back to sleep if one of us goes in there to flip her over. I have a feeling that she will soon realize that sleeping on her tummy is actually kind of nice...

Much in the same way that she can't resist rolling, she is also trying to SIT! I can't believe it! But when we put her in her bouncy seat, she almost instantly starts straining and attempting to pull herself to a sitting position. She is becoming a good little tripod-sitter, too! Refer to Exhibit A:

I truly cannot believe how quickly she is growing and changing! I have a feeling that she is going to be on the move at a much younger age than Nikos was, and then we're in for it!

Speaking of our boy, I wanted to share a picture from this afternoon:

He didn't nap very well at daycare, and fell asleep on the couch in the living room right after we got home. I love watching him sleep-- I could stare at those lashes all day!

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