Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Day in the Life

It's 8pm, and I feel like this is the first chance I've gotten to relax all day (ahhhh...). But it made me think about my life lately, and I felt the urge to blog about it. After all, what's "normal" today will likely change in a few months, and I want there to be a record of what our day-to-day life is like! Anyway, here's how today went... It's pretty typical.

2:00am - Maya woke up. We let her fuss for twelve minutes, then went to check on her. After another twelve-minute wait, I went in and fed her. After a quick side trip to the bathroom, I was back in bed by 2:45am.

6:00am - My alarm went off, and I hopped out of bed. Despite wanting to sleep in a little longer, our morning schedule is just too tight to allow that. So I forced myself to get up right away. Gus was already in the shower, having gotten up about 15 minutes earlier. I made the bed, straightened my hair, threw on some makeup, and rushed out to put a bagel in the toaster. Today, I managed to eat the whole thing before going to get the kids-- normally I'm not so lucky, and end up sharing half of my food with Nikos.

6:30am - I went to get the kids, one at a time. This morning, Maya was fussing so I got her first and plunked her in her bouncy seat. Then I went to get Nikos, and put him on the couch. He snuggled with his bear and his blanket and watched some TV. Meanwhile, I fed Maya.

6:45am - Gus finished getting ready, and took over. He dressed Nikos and changed Maya's diaper (she was already dressed from the night before). Luckily, Nikos eats breakfast at daycare-- so that's one less thing to worry about. Meanwhile, I pumped for ten minutes, then rushed to put Maya's bottles in the little bag that goes with her to daycare.

7:00am - Gus took the kids over to daycare. Meanwhile, I dug through the dryer in search of clean clothes. Then I threw a lunch together, packed up all my pump parts, brushed my teeth, and headed out the door.

7:15am - We both left for work. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho...

3:15pm - I arrived home, slightly earlier than usual because Wednesdays are our short school days. I stopped at the store on the way home to pick up diapers and a few other necessities. As soon as I walked in the door, I emptied out my pump backpack, getting my milk into the refrigerator as soon as possible. I quickly emptied the dishwasher, and loaded it with the dishes sitting in the sink.

3:30pm - I went and got the kids from daycare. Maya was fussy, because Gus forgot to bring her pacifier over this morning (doh!) and she didn't nap well. Upon returning home, I cuddled with Nikos for a bit and read some books while Maya played in her bouncy seat. We also talked to my parents on the phone, as usual.

4:00pm - I moved Maya into the Jumperoo in the kitchen while I quickly washed her bottles and my pump parts. Then I nursed her. After that, I moved her into her bouncy seat in our bedroom while I sorted and folded the clean laundry. Meanwhile, Nikos was unsorting and unfolding all the kid clothes. Doh! I still managed to get it all done, though.

4:30pm - Time to cut fingernails! Nikos was in dire need of a trim, and Maya needed one, too... So I broke out the scissors and got the job done. It wasn't easy. Nikos whined and fought me the entire time, and Maya was just really wiggly. Luckily, nobody got hurt!

5:00pm - I put Maya down for her final (short) nap of the day, and got dinner started. I've been bound and determined lately to prepare family dinners for us, now that Gus is coming home from work slightly earlier than he used to. Tonight, I made an awesome (and really easy) Chicken Florentine. Yum! When I finished getting it ready, I prepared Maya's bottles for tomorrow and washed the bottles that the milk had been stored in. (normally, I don't do this until after my shower)

6:00pm - Gus got home, and we all sat at the table and ate dinner together. Maya even sat with us in her Bumbo chair. Nikos played with his train and his car while he ate, and Maya entertained us with her gurgles and smiles.

6:30pm - We finished up, and cleared the table. Gus held Maya while I got her bath area set up, and Nikos played with his trains on our piano bench. I also pulled out an outfit for Nikos to wear tomorrow, and set it in the living room by the TV.

6:45pm - Bathtime for both kids. I gave Maya her bath in the infant tub in the kitchen, while Gus bathed Nikos in the bathroom.

7:00pm - I nursed Maya one last time, read her a short story, laid her in her crib, and walked out the door. Gus finished getting Nikos ready for bed, read him a few stories, and then put him down as well.

7:15pm - I took a shower and got into my jammies. Meanwhile, Gus cleaned up Maya's bath area in the kitchen.

7:45pm - I sat down. Finally. Next up? A glass of wine. And I hope that Maya sleeps well tonight!

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