Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ferber, Night 2

Well, so far so good! I put her down WIDE awake tonight, and she cried for about 10 seconds. That was it! She rolled around a bit in her crib, and then she was out! So we shall see how the rest of the night goes, but this is already an improvement over last night. Yay!

On a different note, Nikos and I had fun playing outside this afternoon. We played with his water table, the inflatable "car wash" that my parents gave him, and his giant beach ball sprinkler toy. He decided that he loved the beach ball, and proceeded to get completely soaked! His diaper, which was totally dry when we started playing, probably weighed at least five pounds by the end. haha! Anyhow, here's a cute picture that Gus took with my camera while he was riding his "bicycle" after getting all wet. :)

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