Monday, September 7, 2009


"School!" That's what Nikos has been saying all afternoon, ever since we got back from my school this morning. He'd been to my classroom before, but not for a long time, and certainly not since he was old enough to go on any of the play equipment. Today, however, we thought it might be fun for him to see where Mommy works, and to visit the newly-remodeled kindergarten playground. And... he LOVED it! It is such a perfect place to play! Not only is it completely enclosed, but it has that lovely composition rubber ground covering to prevent serious injuries. The slides are smaller than the ones at our local park, which means that Nikos can slide down them completely on his own. The structures themselves are also great, because they are designed so kids can't fall down from up high. When they are in the upper parts, they are completely caged in (unless they go down the slide or the stairs)!

Anyway, Nikos had a great time. He especially loved "driving" the toy firetruck and playing in the shady sand area with all the Tonka trucks. And when Maya decided she was hungry, it was super convenient for me to just take her into my nice, cool classroom and feed her while Gus stayed outside with Nikos. I can't believe we had never thought to bring him to the school before. Being a teacher definitely has its perks! :)

And a Ferber update: Night #3 went well! When I put her down, she didn't cry at ALL-- not a single peep! She did wake up wanting to be fed at 2am, so I obliged her (we had Ferberized for 20 minutes before I realized that she was doing her "I'm hungry" cry and not just fussing). I fed her again at 6am, and then everyone slept in until 7:30. Not too bad! I just hope she holds off on that morning feeding a little longer tonight, because I prefer to feed her at 6:30am (right before I leave for work). But we are definitely making progress!

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