Friday, December 21, 2007

Eeeewwww... (part 2)

Well, it turns out that the post-doctor's-visit sleepiness was short-lived. After the munchkin woke up from a nice three-hour nap, things quickly slid downhill... Instead of sleeping for his usual 6-hour chunk at night, he slept for two. And then wouldn't go back to sleep, even after an hour and a half of attempting to get him to drift off! Whenever Gus would stop rocking him, or I'd stop walking around with him, he'd start crying again. Mind you, this was all happening after midnight, and we were dead tired. We decided to bring him into our bed, because we were so exhausted from constantly getting up. It finally occurred to me that his legs might be sore from all the shots, and that the pain reliever must have worn off hours before. So... I gave him another dose, nursed him for about 5 minutes, and he conked out... for maybe two hours! But then he was Mr. Crankypants again. *sigh* Gus eventually got him to sleep at around 5am (note: Gus wakes up at 5:45 to get ready for work, so he is hurting today), and Nikos and I slept until almost 8:00. Thank GOD I got to sleep in a little bit, because I am not sure I would have been able to make it through the day otherwise!

Anyhow... When we got up, I decided to feed him in bed while watching Good Morning America (does this sound familiar?). I stopped halfway through to burp him, and he SPEWED all over me, himself, and the bed. Milk was EVERYWHERE! I am positive that this was vomit (as opposed to spitting up). YUCK!!! My pajamas were so saturated that my UNDERWEAR was wet, too. EW, EW, EW! Anyway, we got cleaned up, and he seemed to be in a really happy mood. I plunked him in his crib to look at his mobile for a bit, and went to read all the paperwork we received all the doctor's office yesterday. Guess what? Two of the shots can cause temporary vomiting for a few days. This is considered a common and mild symptom. Great, huh?? And almost all of them may cause fussiness in 1 out of 3 babies. I repeat: *sigh*

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