Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Woe is Me


Ok, I am finally reaching a point where I am ready to get this kid out, because I am so unbelievably uncomfortable! I never thought that simply rolling from one side to another while sleeping could become such a monumental chore, but it has. My belly feels stretched to its limit, and it's LUMPY! Sadly, it is no longer the smooth, rounded-basketball-belly that I once loved. If I rest on my back for a while, the lumpiness becomes especially pronounced. The doctor tells me that our little guy is head down (and has been for weeks and weeks), so it must be his little posterior sticking out up above my navel and slightly to the side. That particular lump is there all the time. The other lumps come and go as he shifts around and jabs me in various places. He's got to be running out of room in there! I feel like I am expanding rapidly, too, though I don't even know how it could be possible. My skin's elasticity is surprising (and still no stretch marks! *knock on wood*). A former student's mom came to visit me this morning, and observed that I looked significantly bigger than I did just last week. She wasn't being rude or anything, but it matched up with how I've been feeling (gigantic). The silver lining is that I am pretty much all baby belly-- I haven't gained much in other places-- so that's good.

Anyway... The discomfort sucks. Besides feeling stretched and lumpy, I cannot seem to find a comfortable sleeping position, and my heartburn has gotten out of control. I still get heartburn even if I haven't consumed any food or liquid for hours, and I'm standing up!! It's insane! Changing positions (from lying down to standing, or sitting to standing) requires a certain amount of momentum, and it causes the baby to shift around a bit (sometimes ending up in really uncomfortable positions for me). When I first get out of bed in the morning, both my hips crack and it takes me a minute or two to regain control of my legs. I have walked into our bedroom wall more than once because of this. My "pregnancy brain" symptoms have also increased. As I was checking homework this morning, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't heard our principal make her daily announcements over the loudspeaker, and I commented on it. The kids looked at me like I was nuts, because apparently she DID make the announcements. I even did the Pledge of Allegiance with them and everything. And you know what? I have ZERO recollection of this happening. It's a black hole in my mind. Scary, huh?

To top it all off, my back constantly aches and my calves are always sore from the Charley Horses that like to visit me in the wee hours of the morning. I have no energy by the time I get home in the afternoon, and yet I have trouble sleeping. It is making me very grumpy!

Ok, enough complaining (for now). Compared to so many people, I know that I have had an easy pregnancy up to this point, and that these aches and pains are par for the course. And they will definitely be worth it, when Nikos gets here! But for now... UGH!!!

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