Sunday, August 19, 2007

Childbirth Class

I meant to write about this yesterday, but was thoroughly exhausted by the time we got home. I took an hour-long nap, and still ended up going to sleep early! I am not loving this third-trimester exhaustion so much. Anyway... Yesterday was the first day of our two-day Childbirth Preparation class! Today is the second day-- we have to leave in about half an hour. But I wanted to write about yesterday, since it was so interesting!

The class itself is incredibly boring. The entire morning portion consisted of watching videos of births and various medical interventions. There was a long discussion about anasthesia, which was somewhat interesting. But overall, the information presented was stuff that Gus and I already knew. The one thing that surprised Gus was how long women labor at home before they go to the hospital. I think he thought that you pack up an go at the first contraction, but that's not how it works. I'm supposed to wait until contractions are one minute long, five minutes apart, and have kept that pattern for at least an hour. To get to that point could take many, many hours!! So I think he was relieved to find out that we'll probably have some warning (unless my water breaks... which only happens about 13% of the time).

My favorite part of the class was the hospital tour, which took place after lunch. We basically went through the whole process of where to go once I go into labor, and now I feel so much more relaxed!! They pointed out where Gus will park the car when he brings me in, and where I will need to go first (Triage, second floor!). In Triage, they'll check me out (monitor contractions, etc.) and determine whether or not to admit me to Labor and Delivery (third floor!). We got to see the Labor and Delivery area, as well as the gigantic waiting room where all the anxious friends and relatives sit. :P Once I'm in a Labor and Delivery room, I will stay there until about an hour after the baby is born (through the "recovery" period), and then they'll move me to a post-partum room on the 5th or 6th floor. That's where people will be able to come and visit. It's really a great hospital. It's pretty huge but, at the same time, it feels cozy and intimate. Gus and I also checked out the gift shop, breastfeeding supply/resource shop, and the cafeteria. :) Oh, and I asked about parking, which was bothering me. The attached structure is expensive-- $20 a day! But patients and their immediate family members (this includes our parents!) can get their parking validated, and only pay $3 a day. I found this information to be extremely satisfying!! Hooray!

After the tour, we went back to our classroom and worked on some breathing techniques. It was hard not to laugh, honestly, looking around the room at everyone. We did get a few good ideas, but nothing earth-shattering.

Anyhow, that was yesterday! I have no idea what we're covering today, but I'm not exactly looking forward to it (yesterday felt soooooo loooooong!!). We'll see!

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