Saturday, June 23, 2007


WE SAW MY BELLY MOVE LAST NIGHT!! It was so weird. We were watching tv in bed, and Gus had his hand on my belly to feel the baby kicking. Well, he wasn't cooperating... it seemed like whenever Gus put his hand there, he'd stop moving altogether! (I told Gus he must be some sort of Baby Whisperer) Anyway, he pulled his hand away one time just seconds before a particularly powerful kick. I wasn't even paying that much attention, but my bouncing belly caught my attention!!! I don't know what body part it was, but something was definitely sticking out! A minute later, the baby did it again-- and this time, Gus got to see it. I am still so weirded out by it, but at the same time it was AWESOME! He really is in there! :)

1 comment:

Alayna said...

That is so cool! It only gets more amazing from here. By the end, when the baby moves, your belly will be rolling around like waves in the ocean. It is seriously crazy. Enjoy!