Friday, January 4, 2008

Misc. Thoughts and Updates...

  • Sleep-O-Rama: The last two days and nights have been pure heaven, sleep-wise! The kiddo has been taking awesome naps (2+ hours at a time) and then only waking up once at night to eat. This comes after two weeks of waking up every three hours at night and taking short naps during the day. I wonder if it was because Gus was on vacation, and our own schedule was a little bit off?

  • Music Theory:I have decided to modify my Radiohead theory... It has definitely been proven time and again that Nikos loves my Radiohead CD in the car-- Gus has even witnessed the phenomenon on numerous occasions! However, it turns out that he doesn't love Radiohead exclusively... I think he likes music with human voices (you know... people singing!). The classical music still calms him most of the time, but when that doesn't work, I just plug in my iPod and see what happens... We've been particularly enjoying the "Into the Wild" soundtrack (I ♥ Eddie Vedder!).

  • Bottle Woes: The munchkin still hates drinking from a bottle, and it's really stressing me out! I did everything I was supposed to do, getting him used to the bottle as soon as breastfeeding was firmly established. Everything was going great, until recently! He has decided that he has a definite preference about where his food comes from. While I am flattered, and happy that he prefers me over some plastic bottle, I am also incredibly worried about what will happen when he starts day care on Monday!! It's only 3 days away!!! I am hoping that the new environment, new caregiver, and other kids around will distract him enough so that he eats. I know he will eventually have no problems with the bottle-- I just wish I could leave for work on Monday without worrying that my little one is going to starve himself until I come home! That said, I'm going to come home as soon as I can on Monday... The thought of being away from him is already making me cry!

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