Sunday, January 6, 2008

Growth Spurt? ugh...

Last night, Nikos decided that he didn't want to sleep. Instead, he wanted to eat every two hours! Even during the daytime, he normally goes three hours between feedings, and it's usually longer (four to six hours) at night. So we're all pretty tired this morning... As I write this, Gus is actually still in bed watching TV with Nikos asleep on his lap. I guess they were playing, and the little man just conked out!

Anyway... I'm hoping that this is a growth spurt, and that it's just temporary. In terms of growth spurts, most babies have one at around 3 months. He's only two-and-a-half months, but I'm guessing this could be it (he is outgrowing his clothing pretty quickly lately). Either that, or he's sick. It's so hard to tell with him! His little nose is almost always stuffy, and he always feels warm to me. So I'm going to take his temperature when he wakes up. I really hope he doesn't catch what I had!

So yeah, we're all running on empty right now. I really, really hope that we don't have a repeat performance tonight, since I have to go back to work tomorrow!

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