Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day Care, Day 2

We survived another day! And, to be totally honest, today was much easier than yesterday. I still felt sad dropping him off next door, but there weren't any tears this time. I feel so much better now that I know he'll eat! He had a better day over there, too, taking naps that were a little longer. He still fell asleep shortly after I got him home, but that's nice, too. It gives me time to clean up a little, wash and prepare bottles, make my lunch for tomorrow, etc. Then, when he wakes up, I can focus on nothing but baby! Hooray!! :)

Changing the subject (sort of)... I was so proud of myself this morning! Gus had jury duty, so he had to leave earlier than usual. On a typical morning, I will have Nikos fed by 6:30, and then Gus will take over so I can pump, eat breakfast, and get dressed before we leave. But today, I had to do it all by myself. And I did, with 15 minutes to spare! I got 15 extra minutes of baby snuggling in before work, which was fabulous. He was a happy little camper when I dropped him off at day care, so that made it easier for me, too (I would have a very tough time walking away from an upset Nikos!). All in all, we had a good day. And this comes on the heels of a night where he only woke up once to eat, at 2am. So we even feel moderately well-rested-- yay!

This just occurred to me-- I never thought I would say I felt well-rested after waking up at 2am. How times have changed!

Anyway, I'm feeling better. And truthfully, I have enjoyed seeing all my coworkers and getting to spend some time in the adult world. I'm still trying to find a balance between work and family (for example: how am I ever going to grade papers if I leave school ASAP after the bell rings and don't want to take anything home? haha!), but things will work out. I know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Briar! I left a message on your cel sometime last week. I'd love to chat!