Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Baby, the Lemon-Softball-Avocado

So, tomorrow I will hit the 15-week mark. Hooray! It's not a particularly special number or anything, but I am partial to multiples of five (seriously... laugh at me all you want). I'm experiencing a bit of confusion, though. My book (Your Pregnancy Week by Week) says that the baby was the size of a lemon this past week. Fine, not confusing. This week, it's supposed to be the size of a softball. Again, fine. But next week, it's supposed to be the size of an avocado. Maybe I am nuts, but aren't avocados smaller than softballs??? So is my baby supposed to shrink?? Maybe they are talking about the giant avocados my family always gets in Hawaii. Because the avocados I buy here to are definitely smaller than softballs. And California is the #1 avocado producer in the world, so there!

Anyhow... Gus and I had fun yesterday. I talked him into going to Babies R Us with me so we could register. Yippee!! Of course, it's totally early... But I heard we'd get a free gift if we registered, and I am a sucker for free gifts. As it was, Gus had fun using the little scanning gun (though I had to do some deleting later on... he had a little too much fun). The whole registry process was a novel one for him. When "we" registered for our wedding, Gus never went with me. Patty, my Maid of Honor, was the one who went with me to the stores and helped me pick things out. So I guess Gus was trying to make up for lost time? Who knows. At any rate, we are officially registered now! If you want to take a look, here it is! :P (And for the record: the free gift contained a bottle, a pacifier, a diaper, a pack of wipes, breast pump wipes, a coupon for formula, one disposable washcloth, and a Babies R Us magnet... Ooooh! Aaaah!)

In other news... I have an appointment with my Ob/Gyn on Tuesday. That's right, I will actually be meeting the real doctor! Up until now, I've only seen the Nurse Practitioner (who I LOVE! She is awesome.). So this should be interesting! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get another ultrasound, but who knows? At the very least, I should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat on Doppler for the first time. Unfortunately, Gus is in Kentucky all week for business, so he won't be able to come... My mom is going to come with me instead. Stay tuned for an update on Tuesday!

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