Thursday, April 5, 2007

Breaking the News

So, Sunday and Monday are going to be the big days! On Sunday, we are going to tell our extended family members the exciting news. I can't wait!! It has been so hard to keep it a secret, especially since I have spoken with a few of my relatives since we found out. I really hope they aren't upset with me for keeping it a secret from them... I just felt like there was more at stake in telling them. I know that sounds weird... but it's one thing if your friend has a miscarriage. It's more tragic if that baby was going to be your first great-grandchild. I just didn't want to get anyone's hopes up until we were pretty much in the clear. And even though the first trimester doesn't end until 13 weeks, I'll be one day shy of 12 weeks on Sunday. That, combined with the fact that I have seen the heartbeat, makes me feel pretty good. It should be a great Easter!

After we tell our extended families, I'm going to tell my coworkers. Yesterday, I hosted a baby shower at school for Kori, my friend and coworker who is exactly 16 weeks ahead of me (her baby boy is due in July, right around Gus' birthday). After the shower, we had another coworker take a picture of the two of us together, which I used to make this poster:

Typically, when one of my coworkers is pregnant, someone covertly puts up clues on the board in our staff lounge. Everyone spends the entire week guessing who it could be, and then the answer is revealed. Well... I posted clues when Kori decided to announce her pregnancy, but there were really only two suspects: me and her. We even made sure that the clues were vague/misleading enough that they could point to either one of us. Now, there is really only one possible suspect (yours truly). So, we decided that clues would be pointless- we're just going to post this picture on the board and see what happens! It should be a lot of fun. I'm sure that at least a few of my students' parents will find out right away, too, since they are always on campus helping out with various things. Monday is really going to be an interesting day...

And you know what I'm looking forward to the most?? I want my students to know I'm pregnant! Every other teacher I've talked to said that their class was super well-behaved when they announced their pregnancy... it's like they're scared of hurting the baby! Believe me, I plan to milk that for all it's worth! :)

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