Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cute Story...

After school today, one of my former students was waiting for me outside my classroom (he's a 7th grader-- so he was in my class two years ago). His name is Reed, and he is one of those kids who will always have a special place in my heart. When I first got him in class, he was a total troublemaker and a slacker. For whatever reason, I was the right teacher at the right time for him, and he really turned things around that year. He worked SO HARD for me, and has kept it up into middle school (he's made Honor Roll almost every grading period!). Anyway, I just love this kid, even though he started off as kind of a stinker. It sounds weird to say this, but I know I am pretty much his favorite teacher ever. I mean, this is a kid who brings me birthday and Christmas presents, even though he doesn't go to my school anymore. For whatever reason, something really "clicked" for him when he was in 5th grade.
ANYWAY... I saw Reed waiting outside my classroom today, and he had three roses for me from his yard. It turns out his mom had told him I was pregnant (his little brother still goes to my school, and news travels fast!). He came by to congratulate me and give me a big hug. But the cutest part was when he explained the roses. He said, "The big one is for Mr. P., the medium one is for you, and the little one is for Baby Reed!!" Hahahahaha!!! He told me to feel free to name the baby after him if it's a boy. Yeah, right! Anyhow, I still thought it was really cute. That kid cracks me up! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE!!!! That is too sweet!