Wednesday, May 9, 2007


My doctor finally called me back yesterday, and he was very reassuring. He basically said that this sort of thing is fairly common, and that it is almost certainly nothing to be worried about. Her referred me to a local clinic that specializes in perinatal services, and I'll be going there at 9:00 on Tuesday (5/15). First, Gus and I will meet with a genetic counselor, who will go over my test results in detail. I have a feeling that my scores were just barely outside the normal range, so this will be my chance to find out! (the reason I think this is because my friend, Kori, was told she had the exact same risk- 1 in 130- and her scores were actually within the margin of error for the test.) After we meet with the counselor, I'll be taken into a room for my Level II ultrasound. At that point, they will ask me if I want to get the amnio. If I do, they will perform the procedure right then and there (with the help of the ultrasound to guide the needle).

Which brings me to the one topic I keep returning to: Should I get the amnio or not? While I was definitely leaning towards "no" yesterday, doing some research and talking with my coworkers has changed my mind (many of them have had amnios). So, as of right now, I'm thinking I might get it... Here's why:

  • Amnios are at least 99% accurate in determining whether or not the baby has any sort of genetic abnormality
  • Nearly half of all babies with Down Syndrome can't be identified by looking for soft markers on a Level II ultrasound
  • If everything turns out fine, I can relax and not be a stress case for the rest of the pregnancy (no wondering "what if...?")
  • If something IS wrong, I can prepare myself properly and/or make sure that the best people are on hand at delivery (for things like heart defects)
  • While the posted rate of miscarriage after amniocentesis is 1 in 200, the odds are probably a lot better at a center that specializes in this sort of thing, where amnios are done on a daily basis by very skilled people.
  • Women who get amnios are generally at high-risk-- most are "higher" risk than I am. That "1-in-200" number likely includes women who would have miscarried on their own, with or without the amnio.
  • I read a few different places that the miscarriage statistics are based on a study that was completed in the 1970s, and techniques have certainly improved since then.
  • I trust my doctor, and he thinks I should do it.
  • And, a perk: With the amnio, I would be 100% certain of the baby's sex. No room for error!
Anyway... there are my thoughts for the day. If you have any advice, please share! At the very least, I will get to see the baby on Tuesday, and hopefully find out if it's a boy or a girl!

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