Sunday, May 27, 2007


There is definitely a baby in my belly!! I first thought that I might be feeling movement in there right around Mother's Day. It felt almost like gas bubbles, but then I didn't have gas (sorry, TMI!). I still wasn't 100% sure. But in the past couple of days, I have DEFINITELY been feeling him moving! Even right now, I can feel him squirming around in there. It is the coolest and most bizarre thing ever! It's difficult to describe the sensation, because there's really nothing else like it. It feels like something is moving around in my lower abdomen, making little thuds and thumps inside as it goes. It doesn't hurt or anything- it just sort of tickles. There is no doubt in my mind now that it's the baby moving. I have been feeling him a lot today, and he seems to be really active right now (probably because I just ate, so he's getting a little burst of food power!). It's so unreal! I can't wait for Gus to be able to feel this, too!!

(By the way, quickening is defined as "the stage of pregnancy at which the mother first feels the movements of the fetus." I think it's an awful word for something so cool, but what can I do? Oh, and another "by the way": I've felt him move probably 15 times while typing this. Hooray!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! gas!!!!!! quickening sounds so exciting. congratulations again!